What Can You Do to Help Earth TODAY? (A Citizen Action Sheet)

Posted by Ecogardens

What Can You Do to Help Earth TODAY? (A Citizen Action Sheet) | Download this amazing resource to start making meaningful change in your life.


Being a good Earthling sometimes feels impossible, but there are some surprisingly easy steps you can take to improve your environmental stewardship today. That’s why we’re giving you this Citizen Action Sheet for free!

Download our free checklist to share with family and friends today.

Okay, let’s just take a second and acknowledge: Do-gooders can be annoying.

Yes, even to those of us in the green roofing industry. When they ask about where our coffee came from, how our shoes were made, what kind of mileage our car gets, we become a little fussy. The temptation to reply snottily slowly rises – and sometimes, not so slowly.

Okay, but like, you want to say, what are YOU wearing right now? Is it a handmade coat of finest carbon-offset wool woven on a sustainably sourced bamboo loom using natural dyes that only exist as a byproduct of friendship and goodwill?

No? It’s not??


... Ahem. Just us?

We thought not. The good news is, by integrating the following quick tips into your lifestyle, you can shut the invasive do-gooders up quick. (Though probably not for good. It’s best to live in reality.)

On a more serious note, we all have to live here. At the moment, this is the only planet we have. And while we’re not into climate alarmism, neither are we willing to stand by while our world warms due to human activities (that’s just science, people). Instead, we advocate rational steps in the direction of meaningful change that can aggregate over time.


If you want to be a good steward, you can start here. Ready to download your free Citizen Action Sheet today? All you have to do is click that link!

Be a Better Citizen Today


ecogardens-citizen-action-sheet-2You can make environmental change with surprisingly small steps.

Here are several ways you can help the environment one small habit at a time. We promise, they’re not that hard! Read on to learn more, or click that link above and take the download with you.

Start Composting

  • Explore the Benefits of Composting: Not sure why you should take the time and make the effort to collect those food scraps? Here’s an easy, digestible (no pun intended) primer to speed you on your way to the right decision.
  • Compost Even If Your City Doesn’t Offer Municipal Pickup: If your municipality doesn’t offer curbside compost, are your dreams dead? No siree, Bob! There are a huge number of ways to save organic materials from landfill, and you can find them here.

Become a Citizen Scientist for Monarch Butterflies

  • Learn About Monarch Butterfly Recovery: You probably already know that the monarch butterfly has had a rough time of it lately. You might not know how serious its plight is, however, so it’s important to educate yourself.
  • Take Action for Monarch Butterfly Recovery: Once you do, go ahead and take action! There are some very easy ways to help the monarch butterfly without devoting your life to the cause. Check it out here.

Plant a Pollinator Garden

  • Help Hummingbirds with a Rooftop Garden: Want to help more than the monarchs? The hummingbird is another pollinator that needs TLC right here in the city. Again, there’s plenty you can do.
  • Create Nesting Habitat for Native Pollinators: Our native bees and bugs lose more habitat every day, and they really need it back. You can create it for them right here in the city.
  • Garden with Pollinators in Mind: If you’re a gardener extraordinaire, there’s no need to change your ways. With just a few adjustments, you can garden for the pollinators and still enjoy a Martha Stewart-worthy yard.
  • Use the Right Species in Your Garden: Some plants pretend to be good for pollinators and the environment, but they’re fooling you. Educate yourself on the truth and you’ll never make a bad garden center call again.

Invest in Green Space

  • Leverage the Benefits of Urban Gardens: Green space is lacking in many corners of the city, which is sad, because it brings so many benefits to those who get to enjoy it. Luckily, urban gardens are here to save the day.
  • Increase Genetic Diversity Through Native Gardening: Genetic diversity is a BIG DEAL, whether we’re talking plants, animals or even humans. Learn how to apply this critical concept to your yard today.
  • Get a Rooftop Garden Today: Rooftop gardens are green spaces with perks. Read up on how they work, what they can offer you and how you can get started!

Get Out in Nature

  • Increase Your Mental Health with Time in Nature: You already know nature is soothing, but what you might NOT know is how many health benefits it carries with it. Here’s how to cultivate bomb mental health in the Great Outdoors.
  • Embrace Your Biophilic Side Today: Biophilia? It’s a thing, and has been for several decades now. If you haven’t yet learned about this critical concept, we’ve got your light read for the day.
  • Bathe (Yes, Bathe!) in the Forest: The Japanese concept of forest bathing has caught on everywhere, bringing the soothing peacefulness of nature to troubled minds across the globe. Here’s how it can help you!

Want to learn more about environmental strategies to help the world? Visit our blog today!



Topics: Stewardship

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