After a wet, cold winter, there is a glimmer of warmth on our horizon. With spring around the corner, it’s important to remember that a green roof has a different rhythm and maintenance cycle than landscapes on the ground. With that in mind, here are three things you can do to keep your green roof thriving this spring.
1. See how the winter weather affected your green roof
Our Midwest winters can be harsh on green roofs. The thin soil profile and increased availability of sunlight can produce variable microclimates, causing your green roof to bake in the sun and freeze in the evenings. This extreme variability is even more pronounced in the spring and will need some targeted attention to ensure those sensitive green shoots get just what they need to thrive over the growing season.

Damage from the winter season isn’t always evident on the first peek or two at a spring green roof. As the roof really wakes up, it’s important to take a close look at both the plants and the hardscapes. Rodents and birds have been known to cause damage during a hard winter, and some repairs to green roofs are a standard part of spring maintenance. In addition, this year’s heavy, wet snow sat in our region for a long time. As we begin to care for the green roofs under our stewardship, our first priority will be to check for seasonal damage and assess the drainage, as both have long-term consequences for the health and stability of your green roof.
3. Bring in an expert to analyze plant diversity and build a plan for green roof maintenance
Seize this moment! If you wait until the weather really warms up, we’ll have missed an important window to get a jump on caring for your green roof. An expert will take soil and media samples to analyze the micronutrient content of your landscape and really get an understanding of the fertility of your soil. In this way, we’ll be able to fine tune a stewardship plan and set a specific schedule for your green roof to ensure you achieve your goals.
Starting the spring off with proper, personalized care will get your green roof off to a great start. Schedule a free assessment for our team to come look at your roof and provide a detailed & actionable maintenance report. We will provide a free assessment, complete with: