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What Is Green Roof Design and Why Should You Care?

Posted by Ecogardens


Wondering what principles go into green roof design and why they matter to urban environments more than ever? Read on.

While almost everyone has heard of green roofs at this point, the fundamentals of green roof design are a little fuzzier for most. 

The basic tenets of green roof design include combining various components to create responsive, living rooftop systems. While such systems bring a wealth of perks to our urban spaces, there is one thing they do better than anything else:

They bring the natural world into the city. They begin to heal the divide between where we live and where they live. “They” being the thousands of organisms that human activity has displaced over the last several centuries.

We want them back. And green roof design is one of the best ways to achieve that goal.

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Topics: Green Roofs

What Is Urban Ecology and Why Should You Care?

Posted by Ecogardens


What is urban ecology? Simply put, it’s the exploration of relationships between plants, animals, you and me – right here in our cities.

Pop quiz: What do you call the combination of squirrels and bees, grasses and wildflowers, your rooftop, a glass of Prosecco and you?

No, it’s not “a really dope summer afternoon.” Although that too.

The phrase we’re looking for here is “urban ecology,” which refers to the study of ecosystems within cities. If your immediate response to this is something along the lines of, “Wait, what is urban ecology? And also can we get back to that rooftop drinks thing?”

… then we don’t blame you. It’s a confusing concept, mainly because while most of us learned the basic meaning of ecology in school, there exists a sharply perceived divide between city and countryside. Sure, there’s all sorts of wildlife out there, but here within the figurative city walls?


Luckily, that’s a misperception. There’s all sorts of good schtuff going on here in our urban spaces. Even better, if we learn to cultivate and safeguard wildlife right here in the city, we’ll see benefits to ourselves, to animals and to the world.

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Topics: Urban Ecology

Why Do You Need a Stormwater Management Plan?

Posted by Ecogardens


While we often enjoy a soft drizzle or thrilling thunderstorm, the water pouring from the sky during these events usually does more harm than good in the city. 

Ever looked out the window to see your kids playing in puddles and said to yourself, Awwww cute! Look how much fun they’re having.

*insert smiley face*

The problem is that puddle is not nearly as cute as your little beans. In fact, the very fact that water is pooling in your yard proves you need a stormwater management plan.

Why? Because stormwater brings with it a wide variety of ills. It is environmentally damaging and dangerous to public health, and thus far our cities aren’t doing nearly enough to combat it. The good news is, you can.

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Topics: Stormwater Management

How to Keep Urban Ecology Sustainable Now and in Future

Posted by Ecogardens


Common perception holds that there exists a fundamental divide between city and wildlife, but is that true? Let’s talk ways to keep urban ecology sustainable.

Pop quiz: What do you and the American mink have in common?

Hopefully not a full-body pelt, because that could harm your chances with the ladies.

Nope, the correct answer is you’re both denizens of midwestern urbanized areas. (Or at least, we assume you are, since that’s where most loyal members of the Ecogardens community live.)

The real answer we’re looking for, though, is that you both make up a vital part of your local urban ecology, and you both contribute to keeping urban ecology sustainable.

At least, that’s the goal, and the subject of today’s post.

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Topics: Urban Ecology

What Are Green Roof Systems and Why Do They Matter?

Posted by Ecogardens


Green roof systems help to heal the breach between urban environments and the wildlife they’ve displaced, and offer many other environmental benefits as well. 

Let’s play a quick game of “Would You Rather.”

Would you rather: Living or dead? Barren or green and lush? Environmentally destructive or ecologically beneficial?

Cleveland Cavaliers or LA Lakers?

Wait, that doesn’t matter. LeBron already made his decision.

Point being, we’re pretty sure that given the choice, you would choose urban spaces that buzz with pollinators, wave prettily in the breeze and surround you with a feeling of green serenity. 

That environment is totally possible on rooftops, from the tallest building to the humblest residential roof or deck. All it takes is a thorough understanding of green roof systems.

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Topics: Green Roofs

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